It’s that time of the week again! Today I was able to sit down with Barley, you may recognize him from our Facebook page as he has made a few trips into the office and is quite a ham for the camera! Not only does he love getting his picture taken (isn’t he adorable?), but he was also very excited to sit down with me and tell me about his day to day activities as a puppy. If you have ever had the pleasure of owning a puppy, you know how high energy they can be so getting him to sit still for this interview was quite an accomplishment!
What is your favorite way to spend the day?
Well, I’d have to say one of my favorite things to do is to chew on anything and everything! I love to find a good shoe to gnaw on if I can’t find any of my toys, and if I can’t find a shoe, I’ll take anything else that’s laying around, even the remote control! Sometimes my parents will even chase me around the house which is so much fun, it’s like an indoor game of fetch!
Do you have a favorite toy?
I love all of my toys! I have so many different kinds, I love the stuffed ones but they usually don’t last too long, somehow their stuffing always seems to come flying out just when I start having fun with them! Other than that, I would have to say my all time favorite toy is my frisbee, I love going outside and chasing after it, what a rush!
What is your favorite place to go for a walk?
I love taking trips to Bird Park in Walpole! It is so much fun, there is so much space to run around and I get to see my friends! I love running around with them and getting out and about in the fresh air, it’s refreshing after being in the house all day.
What would you say is your biggest fear?
I like to think that I’m a very brave puppy, most of my friends are scared of the vacuum or or other loud noises but not me, bring it on! I even love getting my baths! If I had to pick something though, I would say that those plastic neon “go children slow” signs make me pretty nervous. Sometimes I think they are a real person until I get close enough to see that they are fake! That must be what makes me so skiddish, but why do they want me to slow down? Guess that’s just one of those things I’ll never understand.
Do you have any health concerns for the future?
I’m not afraid of much, I’m young and tough but my parents get nervous when I try to eat their socks! I don’t know why they’re always trying to take them away from me, they say that they’re bad for me if I eat them but they smell so good I can’t resist! Actually, they try to take away a lot of the things I want to eat because they say they are bad for me, so I guess I wouldn’t want to eat anything that would make me sick!
Puppies like Barley aren’t always as wise as older dogs and can be prone to eating anything and everything in sight! This can include things that they shouldn’t be able to get their paws on, but accidents happen. There are many foods that are bad for our pets that they can’t digest such as chocolate, grapes, onions, and much more. We may know that, but our furry friends don’t always know what is good and bad for them so they rely on us to keep them healthy. If they do manage to get ahold of food that is bad for them or even an old sock, it can make them extremely sick and they would have to go to the vet right away, which can get pretty costly. Pet insurance is a great safety net to have if you’re a pet owner. It can save you hundreds of dollars at the vet should an accident like this occur, and gives owners peace of mind knowing that their furry friend is protected should the unexpected happen. Believe it or not it is also relatively inexpensive, especially if you have a younger pet! Interested? Call or click MassDrive for a quote from one of our agents!