Enrolling in a telematics or usage-based insurance program can help you save on the price you pay for car insurance. Learn how!
Enrolling in a telematics or usage-based insurance program can help you save on the price you pay for car insurance. Learn how!
Distracted driving is dangerous driving. Knowing that it can take just a few small changes in behavior to make the roads safer for everyone on them, we have pulled some things to keep in mind to become a safer driver.
It’s that time of the year again – hurricane season. Just like with any severe weather phenomenon, it’s important to prepare yourself and your home in case you find yourself in the dangerous path of a hurricane. Part of this preparation includes understanding more about these storms, that’s why we’ve pulled together four things you may not know about hurricanes.
What do you do if your pet needs life saving treatment, but you can’t afford the out-of-pocket fees? It’s a dilemma many pet owners face.
Some pet surgeries can cost tens of thousands of dollars. Yet, only 44% of Americans have enough money in their savings to pay for a $1,000 emergency in general, let alone unexpected pet care costs. But luckily there’s a solution – pet insurance.
Pet insurance provides coverage for emergency medical care at a much lower price than it would without protection. With pet insurance, you can worry less about “what if” and focus on spending more quality time with your beloved cat or dog.
So if you’re thinking about purchasing insurance for your pet, here are some of the common questions you may have, answered.
If living through a global pandemic has taught us anything, it’s that nothing is guaranteed. So when it comes to investing in travel, whether for pleasure or otherwise, not even the most well thought-out, researched, or long-awaited plans are impervious to hiccups. That’s why securing upcoming trips with travel insurance is a good idea.
Renting an apartment can be a very exciting process, but sometimes people don’t realize all the responsibilities that come with renting their own place. If you’re committing to a new rental, there’s a lot you should consider before you sign that dotted line.
Long road trips can be extremely tiring, we hear that. However, we’re firm believers that the destination is usually worth the journey. So, let’s buckle up and fight your fatigue with these tips.
If you recently received or purchased some new and expensive items, now is the perfect time to update your homeowners insurance policy to make sure you’re protected from unforeseen losses. Here’s why!
Before hitting the open road, you’re going to want to make sure you’ve prepared yourself and your car for what lies ahead. Here’s a checklist of the things to keep in mind before and after purchasing your new car.
Adopting a pet is one of the most rewarding things you can do. However, many people don’t understand what it takes to own one. So do you think you’re ready […]