If living through a global pandemic has taught us anything, it’s that nothing is guaranteed. So when it comes to investing in travel, whether for pleasure or otherwise, not even the most well thought-out, researched, or long-awaited plans are impervious to hiccups. That’s why securing upcoming trips with travel insurance is a good idea.
Though it’s often seen as an optional purchase, travel coverage can and will save you money in the long run if something goes wrong. Plus, even if you don’t end up needing to use it on a planned trip, travel insurance is often worth the peace of mind knowing that you’re protected — one less thing to worry about!
The benefits of travel insurance
When you have travel insurance with trip cancellation benefits, you can get reimbursement for prepaid, nonrefundable trip costs, as long as it’s for a covered reason. Examples of covered reasons are:
Suffering a serious covered illness or injury or death
Attending the birth of a family member’s child
A natural disaster, fire, flood, burglary or vandalism leaving your destination uninhabitable
The airline, cruise line or other carrier you’re traveling with ceasing services for at least 24 consecutive hours
It’s important to note that there are some situations when travel insurance may not cover the cancellation of a trip, so it’s always best to check directly with your travel insurance provider to understand the terms of your policy and any limitations. Otherwise, you could end up paying out-of-pocket for something you assumed was covered but isn’t.
Where, when, and how travel insurance can help you
If you’re not convinced of the benefits of travel insurance, consider some of the following scenarios.
Travel delay
Imagine you’re flying from Chicago to Costa Rica and your connecting flight is in Miami. You land in Miami and learn your next flight is delayed due to mechanical problems, so you will not be able to get on another flight until the next day. Panic sets in about the extra costs of making up for this bump in your travel plans. But not to worry, that’s where travel delay coverage comes to the rescue.
A policy with travel delay coverage can reimburse you for expenses incurred like hotel rooms or even restaurant bills due to flights canceled because of bad weather or mechanical problems. It’s already stressful enough when plans for a trip change; travel insurance that offers delay coverage helps alleviate your trouble if a setback happens.
Lost luggage
What could be worse than wearing an ugly, unflattering, and uncomfortable bridesmaid dress to your best friend’s outdoor wedding in the desert in July? How about having the airline lose it?
With lost luggage coverage, if the dreaded dress is lost permanently, you will be reimbursed for the repair or replacement for lost/damaged items, based on the limit of your policy. If the bag is on its way but still won’t arrive in time for the wedding, baggage delay coverage will still refund you a fixed amount each day your luggage is missing. Either way, you’ll be able to find yourself a new, more stylish wedding outfit if needed.
So losing that awful dress, even just temporarily, might not have been the worst thing after all!
Many people dream of visiting Rome one day (or maybe you have already!). But what if a visit to the Spanish Steps, the widest and longest staircase in Europe, turns into an accidental tumble and a sprained ankle?
Injuries abroad are scary and costly, especially factoring in how you’re going to pay for incurred medical bills. Emergency medical coverage in your travel insurance policy can provide benefits for losses due to covered medical and dental emergencies that occur during your trip. This way you can breathe a little easier knowing you won’t be responsible for that entire hospital bill.
Remember your trip for all the right reasons
When you book a trip, the last thing you want to think about is stress from mishaps that could happen along the way. Your time should be spent toward more important things—-like your trip plans and packing list. Purchase travel insurance so you can sit back, relax, and enjoy your trip without worrying about the unexpected.
Have an upcoming trip that you’d like to protect with travel insurance? MassDrive has all the coverage options you need! Click here to learn more about our offering.