The big day is almost here! St. Patrick’s Day is a major holiday here in Massachusetts, and we know how much everyone loves to enjoy some Guinness and green beer, however, even though it’s a party we all need to behave responsibly for our own safety, and the safety of those around us. Don’t let us stop you from enjoying the day, but we do want to give you some tips that will help you get home safely and avoid any trouble along the way.
- Designate a driver. Yes we know this tip is overused but it is honestly so important! Knowing you have a safe ride home at the end of the night will allow you to enjoy the festivities that much more, whether it’s a friend in your group or a sober family member that comes to get you at the end of the night, avoid driving if you have been drinking at all! If you have underage siblings that can drive, offer them a few bucks to be your chauffeur for the night!
- Leave your keys at home. If you don’t have your keys, you won’t be tempted to drive anywhere. Both local and state cops will be cracking down on drunk drivers especially hard this weekend, and there will be many more roadblocks out than usual so you don’t want to get caught in a bad situation. If you’re going out for a few drinks, don’t even give yourself the ability to get behind the wheel, leave your keys at home!
- If you’re going to be out in Boston, we recommend utilizing public transit or cabs for your travels. Due to the festivities taking place across the city, some MBTA service routes will be operating on a special schedule or will be diverting their routes. The St. Patrick’s Day parade in South Boston will be a major source of congestion, and buses will not be able to service the Andrews or Broadway T station beginning at 11 AM, although Red Line services will still be available. The details regarding the altered MBTA bus routes can be found here. Commuter rail lines will run on their typical Sunday schedule, and their will be no disruption in T service. In terms of cab service, this list of companies has been authorized by the City of Boston.
- Other cities across the state also have cab service available so the above tip does not only apply to those that are celebrating in Boston. Look up cab companies that service your city prior to going out, you’ll be glad that you have a few options to call since many smaller cab companies get extremely busy on St. Patrick’s day, and the wait time can get longer and longer as the night goes on.
- If you do notice someone driving that appears intoxicated, contact the authorities right away. You should be able to tell them the color, make and model of the car, license plate number, and the direction that they were traveling in. Drunk drivers do not only endanger themselves, they put the lives of innocent people in danger with their own actions and should be pulled over before they harm themselves or anyone else.
The luck o’ the Irish won’t get you out of trouble if you’re caught driving while intoxicated, so use these tips and if you plan on drinking, avoid driving at all this St. Patty’s Day. Not to sound like a broken record but not only are you endangering your own life by drinking and driving, but you’re also risking the lives of those around you, which is a risk no one should ever take! We want everyone to enjoy the holiday while also staying safe and being responsible, so keep these tips in mind when you’re making your St. Patty’s day plans!
Photo By: Caitlinator