Happy Furry Friend Friday! What better way to kick off your weekend than with a does of some serious cuteness? Meet Baxter, this cute little chihuahua is up for adoption at the Northeast Animal Shelter in Salem and is about 5 months old. He’s been there since November, so he’s ready to kick off the New Year with a new home!
So Baxter, what is your favorite thing to do?
Well I don’t know if I can pick just one, there are so many things I love to do! I especially love playing, whether it’s with my other K-9 friends or with one of my toys, I love to be entertained, I’m still a puppy after all! Even though I’m pretty active, I still love being around people and cuddling. I’m very lucky here at the shelter, the staff all carry me around like a baby, I love that so much that sometimes I fall asleep while they’re carrying me!
Do you have a favorite toy to play with?
I have a green ball that I absolutely love to play with! You can see me playing with it in my video at the bottom of the page.
Is there anything that scares you?
Well being a smaller guy, I don’t love a lot of commotion. When people are running around and things are hectic, I get a little stressed but I wouldn’t say scared, just nervous.
What do you think would be the perfect family for you?
Well I can get along with anyone, really, but I’m what you would call a “special needs pet”. You see I was rescued from a hoarding situation in Alabama, and when I got to the shelter here, the staff discovered that I have what’s called Megaesophagus. Basically that’s just a big long word meaning that when I eat the food has a tough time being pushed down into my stomach, it can be very dangerous if not treated correctly. It’s not hard at all to manage, I just need to be in a home with someone that can be home with me a lot. You see I eat about three meals a day and I have to eat sitting upright and then remain upright for a half hour after I eat. It’s pretty easy, the staff here just put me in a small front dog carrier, I’m very light to carry and love sitting like this, I sometimes even fall asleep like this!
So Baxter, why do you think pet insurance is a good thing for all pet parents to consider?
Well, as I’ve already learned in my short life, sometimes things you don’t expect can change your life in a big way. I’m doing very well with my condition and it’s extremely manageable, but some other pets aren’t always as lucky as me, so pet insurance seems like a good way to make sure they can get health care should they need it.
Baxter is wise beyond his years, or months rather. Pet insurance is a great option to consider and it ensures that your pet and wallet will be protected should they have any unexpected accidents, or come down with a sudden illness. Call one of our agents for a free quote and take the first step to protecting your furry friend!