Who doesn’t love taking a swim on a hot summer day? Whether you’re at the pool, the beach, or a lake, fun is sure to be had, but it can quickly turn into a dangerous situation if parents and children don’t know proper swimming safety. We’ve listed a few tips below that everyone should keep in mind whether they’re in or around the water.
- The best thing to do for your family when it comes to water safety is to make sure that everyone knows how to swim and respects the water. Signing children up for swimming classes at a young age will ensure that they learn proper swimming techniques and learn water safety at a young age.
- Teach children to always ask for permission before going in the water. You should always know when they’re swimming so that you can be there to supervise.
- Make sure swimmers are ALWAYS supervised. Children should never be left alone in the water for any reason, and whether it’s by you, another adult, or a lifeguard, there should always be someone nearby to jump into action if they’re needed.
- Even if there is supervision, children should not swim alone. Make sure they use the “buddy system” and have a friend with them at all times, but do not trust their safety to another child alone, the buddy system should be used in addition to adult supervision.
- Children that are still learning to swim should always wear a Coast Guard-approved life jacket when in or around water.
- There should always be an adult in the water with non-swimmers, and children should always be within an arms reach of them.
- Make sure all pools are completely enclosed by fences that are at least five feet tall. The gates should be self-closing and self-latching, and there should not be anything nearby for children to climb on that can enable them to climb over the fence, such as outdoor furniture, toys, etc.
- Always keep rescue equipment nearby, such as a life preserver, rope, or solid pole. In an emergency you don’t want to be searching for something to use, it’s best to make sure they are always in the same place and immediately put back when not in use. It’s also a good idea to keep a first kit nearby for minor cuts and bumps.
- Make sure children understand not to run, push, or horse around near water. Not only can they endanger themselves, they can also cause harm to others if they were to slip and fall.
- If you’re swimming in open water, only swim in approved areas. Check the depth of the water, and make sure there isn’t an undertow, which can be extremely dangerous and potentially fatal for even the most experienced swimmers.
- If you’re swimming at a public place, such as a beach or public pool, use a brightly colored towel or umbrella so that children can easily spot you.
- If your child goes missing, check the water first. If they are struggling in the water, seconds can make all the difference in this life or death situation.
- In case of an emergency, make sure there is always a phone and emergency numbers nearby.
- It’s a good idea for all parents, but especially those that own a pool to be trained in CPR.
- Avoid drinks with alcohol in them when you’re swimming yourself or supervising others.
- Make sure that children take breaks from swimming to rehydrate and reapply sunscreen.
With these tips, you and your family will be having fun in the sun and water all summer long!
Photo By: whgrad