Written by: Madison Hennig
You’ve finally finished your spring cleaning and you need to get rid of some unwanted items. Why not make extra money for that summer vacation and host a tag sale? Never done it before? Here are some helpful hints!
1] Make your items presentable. Most people are not going to purchase something that is broken, dirty or run-down. If you can clean or repair items, do so. If not, put them out for free.
2] Sort your items into categories. People appreciate organization and alike items being placed together.
3] Label everything. This will prevent people from constantly asking you about prices.
4] Get the word out. Place an add in your local town flyer, make posters, or post on your town’s Facebook page. Describe some of the products that will be sold and mention they will be “priced to sell”. This assures people that you’re not selling “cheap” items and will make them want to come.
5] Mark your prices low. Most sellers believe that their items are worth way more than they actually are. If you really want to get rid of your items, label them as less expensive and rarely say no if a buyer offers a lower price.
6] Use a ‘Square’ or carry smaller bills. Giving customers the option to purchase items electronically is smart because many people don’t carry cash anymore, but if they do, make sure that you can give them change.
7] Donate. It’s likely that you won’t sell every single item that you put out, so contact local shelters or programs for the homeless and see what items they would like to take.