What is your insurance policy really telling you? Some auto insurance terms are confusing in themselves. Take a look at the basics below to gain a better understanding of your auto insurance policy:

Property Damage Liability: This coverage will pay for any damages your auto does to someone else’s property. Usually this would be damages done to another car, but this coverage will also pay for damages to other property such as fences, light poles, a house or any other types of damages that may result from an accident.

Comprehensive Coverage: This coverage protects your auto when damages occur from something other than a collision. This type of coverage covers things like if your car is stolen or maybe damaged by water, fire, or animals.

Collision Coverage: Pretty straight forward on this one. This will cover your car when it is involved in a collision with another car or object.

Bodily Injury: This coverage is key to keeping you financially sound covering injuries or death that you are responsible for. This coverage will also cover the cost of your legal defense should another driver bring a lawsuit against you.

Uninsured Motorist Bodily Injury: This coverage protects you from bodily injuries, damages, or death caused by an uninsured auto found at fault and hit and run. When the other party does not have the coverage to repair your car or pay for your medical bills from an accident, this coverage will kick in and save you from large out of pocket expenses.

A great source for insurance information, from state requirements to changes in local legislation, is the Massachusetts Department of Insurance website. For more specific information and definitions consult your insurance provider and your policy.