We hope you have all been enjoying the summer season safely so far! For all of you that enjoy boating around the Bay State, we’ve come up with a few safety tips to keep in mind this summer. Of course, the first thing on the list is to make sure your boat is ready for the high seas, our “Get Your Boat Ready For Summer Check List” will cover everything you need to do to prepare your vessel for the open water.
Once your boat is ready, there are a few safety tips to keep in mind:
- If you’re a beginner, take a boating course! It’s not a bad idea for the whole family to be involved either as everyone on the boat should understand how to operate it safely. These can be extremely helpful in teaching the rules regulations, and safety guidelines of boating.
- Always make sure there is a fire extinguisher, first aid kit, life jackets, charts, marine radio, anchor, and safety lines on board. Make sure these safety items are in working order before setting sail.
- Check the weather before you head out on the water. You don’t want to be miles out to sea just as a storm is about to roll in. If you’re out on the water and you notice the clouds begin to darken, winds shift, or temperatures drop, your best bet is to play it safe and head back to shore.
- Another thing to do before you head out, let someone know your plan for the day, including where you plan on boating to and how long you plan to be gone. You can tell either a family member or a staff member at your local marina or yacht club. It’s good for someone else to know when you should be back if anything were to go wrong while you were out to sea.
- Make sure each child on the boat is wearing a fitted life jacket and that there is one available for every adult.
- If you’re going to be on the water you should know how to swim as should any others that will be on your boat and around the water on a regular basis.
- Use your judgement when it comes to others in your area. Keep a safe distance from swimmers, jet skis, tubes, and other boaters out on the water.
- Make sure there is more than one person on board that knows how to handle to boat. If the person navigating becomes incapacitated for some reason, you definitely want to have another person on board that can steer the boat back to safety.
- Do not drink alcohol! If you’re steering the boat, that’s the only thing you should be focusing on.
Safety is the top priority when out on the water, and the last piece of advice we have is to make sure your boat is properly insured should the unexpected occur. Give us a call at MassDrive for a free boat insurance quote today and stay safe this summer!
Photo By: Daily Invention