Halloween is a fun time of year, but it can also be dangerous for trick or treaters if the proper safety precautions aren’t taken. When you go out with your little monsters, keep these tips in mind, and stay safe this Halloween!
- Make sure any children under age 13 are accompanied by a parent or other responsible adult.
- Respect trick or treating hours established by your town. If your children are trick or treating on their own establish a curfew.
- Go over the route you and your trick or treaters plan on taking, make sure they know exactly where they’re going and how to get home.
- Establish a meeting spot should you and your trick or treaters get separated.
- Be visible. It’s getting dark out very early and it will be difficult for drivers to see children in costumes, add reflective tape to their costume and treat buckets to make them easier to see.
- Carrying a flashlight is also a good idea to improve visibility, but be sure to never shine it in the eyes of oncoming drivers, it may temporarily blind them.
- Avoid wearing masks that obstruct vision. It’s already going to be dark out and you don’t want children struggling to see oncoming cars, other trick or treaters, or obstructions in their path.
- Make sure children’s costumes are not too long on them to prevent tripping.
- Make sure any swords, knives, or other costume accessories are shot, soft, and flexible.
- Do not allow children to walk near any candles or other potential fire hazards, make sure their costumes are flame-resistant.
- Only approach houses that are well lit, tell children not to approach houses that are in darkness or to enter a strangers home or garage.
- Stay on any sidewalks or paths, if there are none then walk on the side of the street facing traffic.
- Make sure children understand to use crosswalks, look both ways before crossing the street, and never cross between parked vehicles as it’s difficult for drivers to see you.
- If children are going out without an adult, make sure you know where they’re going and that they’ll be in a group.
- Don’t let children eat any candy until they’re home and you’ve checked it to be sure it’s safe.
Keep these tips in mind this Halloween and you and your family will have a safe, and happy holiday!
Photo By: Ginny