By: Madison Hennig
Although you’re looking forward to seeing your relatives this holiday season, traveling can sometimes cause stress. To lessen your chances of stress before, during and after your trip, take a look at this checklist and learn things to do before you take off.
1] If you’re going on a long trip, make sure you contact the postal service to hold your mail. The postman will appreciate not having to shove envelopes into a full mailbox (that will only get fuller during the holidays)!
2] Airport parking can be expensive. Plan to get a ride from a friend or schedule an Uber to pick you up at a specific time and date.
3] Your fresh fruits and veggies probably won’t last for more than two or three days, so make a big dinner with your perishable foods. Whatever you don’t use should be put in the freezer or thrown away.
4] There’s nothing worse than coming home to a dirty house. Organize and clean up before you leave for your trip. And remember to wash your bedding so that when you return, you will have fresh sheets to cuddle in to.
5] If you are traveling internationally, alert your bank. However, there is still a chance that your bank may accidentally pause your credit card if it notices an international charge. Make sure to have cash on you just in case.
6] Right before you leave, give your plants some water. If you’re traveling for an extended period of time, make sure to ask a friend if he can tend to your plants while you’re gone.
7] Racking up an electricity bill is the last thing you want after spending money on your trip. Double check that you turned off all of your lights.
8] Purchase travel insurance prior to your trip, just in case a flight gets cancelled, your luggage gets lost, or another unexpected event occurs. Get a quote today at https://massdrive.com/travel-insurance.