Taking a road trip with the kids can really test your patience and planning skills. Fending off constant questions like “Are we there yet?” and “When’s the next bathroom break?” can get old pretty quick, so you’ll want to make sure your kids have plenty of things to occupy their time while in the car. To help you out, we’ve listed some tips that will definitely come in handy if you plan on road tripping with the kids this summer.
- Make sure kids are comfy. What your kids are wearing on their road trip can make a big difference to how the trip goes. If kids are uncomfortable you’ll hear about it, probably over and over again. Put them in something that they like to wear such as pajamas or shorts and a t-shirt, and save the dressy clothes for your arrival, odds are something will end up spilling on them anyways during the trip, so at least you won’t dirty up one of their nicer outfits.
- Be strategic about your departure time. It may be easier to travel with kids during certain hours of the day, for example, if your kids can sleep through the night in the car, you might want to wait until after dinner and drive through the night so you reach your destination by morning. You’ll probably avoid tons of traffic too, which is always a plus. Working with their schedules, nap times, and meal times will make the trip easier for you and them.
- Keep them occupied. This will help you keep your sanity and theirs, make sure you have plenty of coloring books, toys, games, movies, and snacks. You’ll also want to charge any electronics they may use, such as tablets or portable DVD players before you leave.
- Be prepared for anything, and we mean ANYTHING. You want to make sure you have a first aid kit, wet wipes, paper towels, extra clothes, diapers, batteries, car chargers, trash bags, a flashlight, and extra drinks and snacks in case the ones you already packed spill.
- Take a break. It’s inevitable that little ones and even older ones will want to stretch their legs and take a break from the car. Find a local park and have a picnic so you can have something to eat and they can run around and burn off some energy.
- Get kids involved in the trip. If your kids are old enough to suggest landmarks they want to see or places they want to visit, let them! It will make the trip much more enjoyable for them and you may even visit a place that you wouldn’t have chosen on your own, and end up loving it!
- Make sure your driver’s license, registration, and insurance are all up to date and haven’t expired. These are all extremely important to have any day, but especially if you’re going to be driving a long distance. If you don’t have a membership to AAA, you may also want to consider that.
With these tips, your next family road trip should go smoothly and be a blast for everyone!
Photo By: Deb