Auto insurance is anything but optional. Not only should you want to have car insurance, the sate requires drivers to purchase it. Two important coverages, among others, Massachusetts requires drivers to have are Property Damage and Liability Coverage.

Property damage covers damages the insured has caused to someone else property. Massachusetts state minimum for property damage is $5,000. This covers everything from street lamps and stop signs to other vehicles. Maybe you didn’t realize you were speeding when an oil spot sent you spinning into that Bentley… you’re still responsible for the damages and that $5,000 of coverage isn’t gong to do much. To be safe you should consider at least $100,000 of property coverage.

A second minimum coverage set by the state is Liability coverage. This includes bodily injury and property damage to others.  Maybe the state minimum will cover one person in a minor accident. But what if it was more than a fender bender? Or maybe there were passangers in the car you collide with? When multiple people are involved, or even just one in a decent accident – the $40,000 minimum state coverage isn’t likely going to cover all of the hospital bills, operations, medications, and therapy your accident incurred.

If you choose to only insure yourself to the state minmums, remember you are responsible for all expenses past what your insurance covers. Find out more about Massachusetts state minimum insurance requirements on the Massachusetts Division of Insurance Webpage.