As the nation faces rising energy prices, concerns for a long term energy source, and supply restrictions our nation strives to find more reliable and efficient energy sources. Massachusetts climbed to the second most energy efficient state this year according to the 2009 State Energy Efficiency Scorecard used by the American Council for an Energy Efficient Economy.

The states were evaluated by six different categories.  Massachusetts brought in a proud 44.6 points out of a possible 50. The Council’s use of scorecards in ranking of states has encouraged the development of more efficient, eco-friendly energy sources throughout the nation.

Massachusetts is the perfect example of such competition. The Green Communities Act implemented this last year, requires businesses to exclusivly buy energy efficient products and services. These eco-friendly products and services have lower cost than others would use to produce electricity. Under the Green Communities Act the Energy Efficiency Advisory Council was also formed. Much of the credit for Massachusett’s jump to second place belongs to the Council’s approved three year $1.6 billion budget to find more efficient energy sources.