When shopping for auto insurance the ultimate goal is to find a reputable company and the lowest premium. While searching for insurance on the web or over the phone it is important to remember carriers will offer different discounts for various reasons. Saving money on your auto insurance is easy, when requesting a quote ask if the following discounts apply to you:
- Low Mileage Discount: Those who drive less than the average driver are more often than not eligible for a low mileage discount. The magic number is commonly 7,500 miles or less per year however some carriers offer discounts for those who drive less than 10,000 even 12,500 per year. This key discount can make a significant difference and is important to ask about.
- Auto Club Member: Drivers who belong to an auto club, such as AAA, are usually eligible for additional discounts and in some cases may increase your current auto policy limits with NO extra charge!
- Good Students: Not only will good grades get a student into the college, graduate program, or aspired career – they can also give young drivers a discounted rate on their auto insurance.
- Continuous Insurance: Drivers with a continuous record of auto insurance policies are often eligible for discounts.
- Completed Defensive Driving: Once successfully completing a defensive driving course, motorists should be eligible for an additional premium discount.
- Companion Policy: Drivers who purchase a companion policy, meaning those who bundle their auto and home, condo, or rental insurance together, are eligible for discounts on both policies. Drivers who sign companion policies through MassDrive may save up to 5% on their auto insurance and up to 20% on a home owners policy.
Make note of the above discounts. If your agent or the online quote generator does not ask about them, you may not be receiving the best quote. When receiving a quote it’s also important to realize your date first licensed and driving record have a great impact on your premium. If you have not been asked about your first licensed date or verified your driving record, you may not be receiving a final quote. Ask your agent if you are eligible for additional discounts and if they have verified your record to ensure you are receiving an accurate quote.
For a free quote comparison, give your friendly MassDrive agent a call today!