Here at MassDrive we love our pets, from time to time they even stop by the office for a visit! That’s why we have decided to begin a series of blog postings called Furry Friend Friday! This week I was able to sit down with my own furry friend, Meatball. You may recognize him from some of the MassDrive videos we have posted as his picture can be seen in the background of many shots. I had a few questions for Meatball and he was gracious enough to take some time from his busy schedule to sit down with me.
What is your favorite way to spend the day?
Personally I’m a bit of a couch potato, I could lounge around on the couch all day if I had the choice. Don’t get me wrong though, I still like to get out and about in the fresh air from time to time.
Where is your favorite place to go for a walk?
Don’t let my looks fool you, even though I’m a senior citizen I love to go to the beach and hit the ground running! There’s something about feeling the sand between my toes that makes me feel young again.
I know you are a fan of treats, but out of all of your options what would you say is your favorite kind?
There are so many options, how can I pick one? I’ll eat pretty much anything, but my all time favorite treat is something with peanut butter flavoring! Of course nothing compares to people food, but I don’t get to have it that often sadly enough.
What would you say is your biggest fear?
Two words; THE VET! As if having to ride in the car isn’t bad enough, sometimes when I get out we are at the dreaded vet’s office! I’m not being a baby either, have you seen how they take my temperature?! The floor is slippery, the smells always get to me, and to top it off there’s usually some young pup jumping all over me! Unfortunately I’ve had to go a little more often than usual lately, just typical aches and pains but it is always traumatizing!
What is your biggest health concern for the future?
As a lab mix I am prone to issues with my hips, they already bother me a bit but the hip and joint supplements that I take are a big help. Other than that my biggest concern is anything that would bring me to the vet’s office!
Meatball is a perfect example of why pet owner’s should get insurance for their furry friends. Having an insurance policy for your pet is relatively inexpensive, and can save you hundreds of dollars should you have to make a visit to the vet. Call up one of our representatives today or click MassDrive for a quote!