Furry Friend Friday is back and this week I sat down with Brodie and got some insight into his life, and let me tell you, he is a very busy boxer!
So Brodie, what would you say is your favorite way to spend the day?
I LOVE playing with my little brother, Tyler! He is so much fun and we spend hours wrestling and playing, it keeps me young! Other than that I like running laps to burn off any extra energy I have.
What is your favorite treat?
Human food! It’s so good I wish I could have it for every meal! Luckily Tyler usually slips me a bite of whatever he’s eating so I make out pretty well.
Do you have a favorite toy?
I’d have to say my rawhide bone is my favorite toy, I guess it’s also a treat but it’s so much fun to gnaw on and run around with. I also love my stuffed monkey toy, as you can see from my picture I like to spend time with him when Tyler’s busy.
What is your favorite place to go for a walk?
I don’t really have a favorite spot, I love going anywhere and everywhere! I’ll take any chance I can to get out of the house, but I especially love when we take rides to Maine because I get to run free in the wide open spaces up there.
I’d imagine that as a boxer you would be pretty tough but is there anything you’re afraid of?
Well my mom thinks I’m a big baby because I was afraid of her old cat, which I guess is true. I think I’m a pretty good watch dog though, I bark a lot whenever the door bell rings so that everyone knows someone is there. I may jump all over them and smother them in kisses once they’re inside but what can I say? Even though I’m a boxer I’m really a lover not a fighter.
Do you have any health concerns for the future?
Well, I had cancer when I was 3 years old (human years that is) and that was very scary. My mom and dad made sure it was removed and took great care of me so I have been fine since, but I’m nervous that it could come back one day. Luckily my parents have pet insurance so most of the bills from my doctors appointments and surgery were covered!
Even as a young dog, Brodie had unexpected medical issues that would have been extremely costly were it not for his pet insurance. We strongly urge all of you pet parents to call us up for a quote! You never know when your pet’s health could be in jeopardy and dealing with that is stressful enough without having to worry about the cost of potentially life saving procedures! Call or click MassDrive for a quote today!