Did you know that we’re in the middle of National Severe Weather Preparedness Week? Perfect timing considering this storm that’s currently hitting the east coast! The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and the National Oceanic Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) partnered up to designate the week of March 3-9th as National Weather Preparedness week and are urging Americans to Be A Force Of Nature.
There are three steps to being a force of nature; first you need to know your risk. Here in Massachusetts, our biggest risks are from snow and flooding. Storms can have a major impact on families across the state; from losing power, to damage caused by the wind and flooding, there are many risks that come along with these storms we have here in Massachusetts! Make sure you are checking the weather reports regularly as well, we all know how unpredictable the weather in New England can be. Click here to find out how you can protect your family and be better prepared for emergencies!
The next step to being a force of nature is pledging to take action! Sign the Pledge To Prepare and take the first step to making sure you and your family are prepared for severe weather in your area. This pledge includes filling out your family communications plan, putting together an emergency kit, and keeping important valuables and papers in a safe place. Another tip to keep in mind; make sure you have multiple ways to get weather alerts! You should make sure that your phone is able to receive wireless emergency alerts and sign up for alerts from different emergency management officials. You might also consider obtaining a battery-powered radio that you can listen to for updates if the power goes out. You can sign up for email and SMS alerts from the National Weather Service and National Oceanic Atmospheric Administration here.
Finally, be an example! Once you know your risk, and have taken the pledge to Be a Force of Nature, be an example! This is the final step of being a force of nature and is arguably the most important. Share your knowledge on any and all social media sites and let your friends know what you’re doing to prepare for upcoming storms! Social media and today’s technology make it easier than ever to share our experiences and knowledge with friends and family, so spread the word!
Know your risk, take action, and be an example for friends and family! Another way to prepare for a storm? Give us a call at MassDrive and get a quote for homeowner’s and auto insurance! Extreme wind and flooding can cause major problems for you, your home, and your car so make sure you have the appropriate coverages in the event of any damage! Achieving a Weather-Ready Nation is a major goal, but it’s possible with help from all of you!
Photo By: Cara StHilaire