We’re back again and today we’re bringing you yet another exciting interview despite the snow storm. Today I got to interview Mya, and let me tell you she is a very lucky girl! Mya lives out in Arizona with one of the sales representatives from our office in Phoenix, so fortunately for her she’s hasn’t had to step foot in any snow! I let her know that those of us here in Massachusetts are very jealous of the beautiful weather they have out there!
So Mya, what is your favorite thing to do?
Well, I am a very curious girl. Anywhere I go I love to explore my surroundings and investigating every new sight and smell. I also love being around my people, they are so much fun and are always doing something interesting or eating something new, I’m sure you can imagine how much I love finding scraps of left over food if they spill some around the house. After thoroughly investigating my surroundings, I like to take a nice long nap.
Do you have a favorite toy that you like to play with?
My favorite toy is my pink monkey! She is my best friend and I try to bring her everywhere with me. Whether I’m taking a snooze or hanging around outside, my pink monkey is by my side. My people always play with me and sometimes they even try to throw my monkey, but don’t worry; I always run after her and pick her up as fast as I can!
Is there anything you’re afraid of?
Well I’m not afraid of much, the only thing that makes me nervous is my brother, Andre. We don’t live together, but I still get to see him a lot because my owner and his owner are brothers! Ironic isn’t it? Anyways we got into a little scuffle when I was younger and he is a lot tougher than I am so I try to stay out of his way. I’m not saying he’s mean or anything, sometimes he just doesn’t know his own strength and gets a little too rough. I just hope people aren’t afraid of me, I’m a pitbull and we may look tough, but I’m really just a big love bug and wouldn’t hurt a fly!
What’s your favorite place to go for a walk?
I love walking all over our neighborhood, the weather here in Phoenix has been perfect for dog walking lately! There’s a grassy field near our house that we go to a lot, I love running around and playing fetch on a nice warm day! Even when it gets hot out, it’s not as humid here as it is for you all in Massachusetts!
Do you have any health concerns?
Not at the moment, I am a very healthy young girl! The only time I had to go to the vet (besides yearly check-ups) was after I got into that scuffle that I already told you about. Like I said, sometimes my brother just doesn’t know his own strength and it started off as playing but eventually I ended up at the vet’s office and needed a few stitches.
Lucky for her owner, Mya is a happy healthy four year old girl. However, dogs of any age can get injured accidentally, whether it’s by another dog or something else, and the vet bills that follow such injuries can be expensive! Give us a call at MassDrive for a pet insurance quote, there are no restrictions on any type of breed so all cats and dogs (including pitbulls) are welcome!