With all the snow storms we’ve been getting lately we’ve all had to spend more time indoors than we would probably like. Staying inside for too long can result in a case of cabin fever if you’re not careful, that’s why we’ve come up with a list of activities to keep you occupied indoors until the warmer weather arrives.
- Have a dance party. Come up with a playlist of your favorite songs and dance your little heart out. Look up dance moves you’ve always wanted to learn and practice until you’re ready to showcase them on your next night out. It may sound silly but not only is dancing a great way to relieve stress, it’s also good exercise, killing two birds with one stone!
- Movie marathon. Enough said right? Who doesn’t love getting into their PJ’s, making some popcorn, and hibernating on the couch all day? Netflix has tons of great movies, and it only costs $7.99 per month for their instant streaming subscription. If you don’t have Netflix but know in advance that a storm is coming and you’ll be stuck in the house, head to the nearest RedBox machine and stock up. You can usually find great movies in the $5 bin at Walmart too, as long as you don’t mind digging around a bit.
- Bake, eat, repeat. Have a recipe you’ve been wanting to try? What better time to try it than when you’re stuck inside for hours on end? Plus when you’re done you’ll have a delicious snack to eat for the rest of the day.
- Get organized. Spring isn’t here yet but it’s never too early to start on spring cleaning. Been meaning to clean out your closet or organize the items you have around your house? Days like this are perfect for that. Put on your favorite playlist and get to organizing! When you’re done find a way to reward yourself, whether it’s with a nice glass of wine, some online shopping, or a movie marathon, do something to relax after getting organized!
- DIY day. Creating something on your very own can be very rewarding, especially if it comes out the way you actually wanted it to. With so many different ideas floating around on Pinterest, you’ll have a hard time deciding what you actually want to make, but if you’re stuck inside all day you may not have to choose and might have time for all of them! Make a collage, experiment with canvas art, learn how to make different types of jewelry, the options are endless.
- Read a book. With so many different things to read on the various social media sites, news outlets, etc it can be hard to find the time to sit down and read a book the old-fashioned way. Snow days are perfect for combing through your bookcase and finding an old favorite, or a book you’ve been meaning to read for a while. Once you’ve made your selection, get comfy with a cup of hot chocolate and enjoy being unplugged for a while.
- Redecorate. Been wondering how your couch would look on the other side of the living room? Now’s your chance to find out. Be careful if you’re moving large pieces of furniture and don’t try to lift anything too heavy on your own.
- Catch up with an old friend. Sometimes it’s hard to keep in touch with friends that you don’t see very often or that are usually hanging out in a different circle of friends, but snow days are the perfect time to call up an old friend and see what’s new in their life.
We hope these ideas can help you fight off a case of cabin fever! Try to make the most of these snow days while they last, spring is on its way! If you’re stuck inside all day with the kids, check out these ideas to keep them entertained.
Photo By: Kara Michele