Happy Furry Friend Friday! Are you ready for all of the snow we’re supposed to get on Monday? Spoone is ready for it but not exactly excited, this 5 year old boy is originally from Georgia so is used to much warmer weather! He’s a cute German Shepherd mix up for adoption at Northeast Animal Shelter in Salem and is excited to be here and find his forever family!
So Spoone, what is your favorite way to spend the day?
Even though I’m the oldest dog here in the shelter, I can still keep up with the young pups and I love being outside playing. I get along great with the other dogs here and love hanging with them, but if they’re busy I love to run and chase my tennis ball. My friends here at the shelter say that I really get excited when they play keep away with me, it’s one of my favorite games!
Do you have a favorite toy to play with?
My tennis ball is by far my favorite! See it in my picture with me? I never want to let it go once I have it! I could chase that thing for hours, I’m pretty easily entertained and just an overall happy guy, but when I have my tennis ball I’m the happiest dog in the world!
Is there anything that scares you?
Nothing that I can think of and nothing that the staff here have observed, like I said, I’m an overall happy guy and don’t let too many things get to me. I’m even happy to be here in the shelter! Of course I’d rather be in my own home with my own family, but I’m able to make the most out of any situation.
What do you think would be the perfect family for you?
Who wouldn’t love me? Don’t I look like I should be lounging on your couch right about now? I would love to go to a fun-loving family that would love to play fetch with me and my beloved tennis ball. I love any and all people, big or small but because I am a bigger boy I would probably be best around children ages 10 and up. Have another dog? I’m sure we would get along great and would love for you to pay me a visit if you think I could be part of your family!
Why do you think pet insurance is a good thing for all pet parents to consider?
Well in my short life, I’ve lived in a few different places and seen A LOT. I’ve seen a lot of great things and some things that weren’t so great. I think that you should be prepared for anything, life is so unpredictable but if you have pet insurance you can at least be prepared to get your furry friend proper vet care without breaking the bank if the time comes.
Spoone is a very worldly gentleman, and is right about life being unpredictable. We never know what may happen or what direction life may bring us in, but with pet insurance you can be sure that your furry friend will be able to get the vet care they need should the unexpectedly get sick or have an accident. Call one of our agents for a free pet insurance quote today and make sure your furry friend is protected!