We are very excited to announce that we will be a Milestone Sponsor in this year’s Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD) signature walk event! “Walk Like MADD” is a non-competitive, family and pet friendly 5K Walk and also a MADD Dash, certified 5K Run which seek to raise awareness and funds for MADD. This organization has a simple mission; they seek to stop drunk driving, support the victims of it, and prevent underage drinking.
Drunk driving not only risks the life of the driver and any passengers in their car, it also risks the lives of everyone else on the road. The scary thing about that is that drunk driving and underage drinking are more common than you would think. For example, did you know:
- If all 17 million people who admitted to driving drunk in the past year had their own state, it would be the fifth largest in the U.S.
- On average, one in three people will be involved in a drunk driving crash in their lifetime.
- Every 90 seconds, a person is injured in a drunk driving crash.
- Every day in America, 30 people die as a result of drunk driving crashes.
- Teen alcohol use kills about 6,000 people each year, more than all illegal drugs combined.
- An average drunk driver has driven drunk 87 times before a first arrest.
- One in three 8th graders has tried alcohol.
- Drunk driving remains the primary cause of deaths on our highway.
If these statistics surprised you as much as they surprised us, you’ll understand why Mothers Against Drunk Driving is such a worthy cause to support. Victims of drunk driving are more common than you think, they could be your neighbor down the street, a friend’s parent, or perhaps someone in your own family or group of friends.
We at MassDrive are proud to sponsor MADD’s event this year because their mission of keeping families and communities safe is one that we support as well. We want everyone to drive responsibly, and if you plan on drinking alcohol make sure that you have a designated driver to get you home safely. That’s a mission we can all support right? If you want to join this year’s event, there are a few ways you can do it. You can either register to walk, donate to MADD’s team, or volunteer!
The walk will take place on Sunday, April 26th at Lake Quannapowitt in Wakefield. Registration begins at 10 AM and the opening ceremony will take place at 10:45 after a warm-up with Fitness Together. Runners will take off at 11 AM followed by the walkers, and everyone is invited to join in on the fun and entertainment taking place after the 5K.
Statistics provided by Mothers Against Drunk Driving