This October will bring changing leave colors, cooler temperatures, and… deer migration and mating season. As deer begin to frequent more populated areas it’s important to take measures avoiding a deer-vehicle mishap and making sure you’re covered.

Firstly, check your auto insurance policy to find if you have comprehensive coverage. This portion of your policy will provide coverage the event of an accident not involving another vehicle. Next check your deductible – is it $300, $500, maybe $1,000? It is important to find a balance between what you can afford on your auto insurance and as a deductible should an accident occur – the final line here is: What can you handle financially?

After review of your current policy and making appropriate adjustments, you will want to take additional steps to decrease the risk of experiencing an accident with a deer.

To avoid such an accident, practice defensive driving and consider the following:

  • Drive carefully in wooded/ forested areas or locations deer are known to be prevalent.
  • When there is no on-coming traffic drive with your brights, or high-beams, on. This will better light the road and surrounding areas as well as the outline of a deer in the road.
  • Slow when you see a deer in the road, however do not swerve or make any sudden driving changes. If you do swerve your may loose control of your vehicle and/or collide with another vehicle on the road.
  • Wear your seat belt. If you should experience an accident, with or without a deer or not, seat belts save lives – yours could be one of them.