Auto insurance is anything but optional. Not only should you want to have car insurance, the sate requires drivers to purchase it. Two important coverages, among others, Massachusetts requires drivers […]
What Does Everyone Have to Say About "Managed Competition"?
For years, the state of Massachusetts controlled auto insurance carriers to produce higher revenues. However, the system has changed directions, and state officials put a “managed competition” program into place […]
Massachusetts Managed Competition System Program Assessed
In April 2008, the state government put a managed competition system in place through the Division of Insurance. After some time, the system still continues to receive mixed reviews. Before […]
Woman From Seabrook Faces Charges From Insurance Fraud
Anna Keegan allegedly exaggerated several insurance claims and was fraudulently collecting lost wages. She was charged with several instances of auto insurance fraud. The Massachusetts Insurance Fraud Bureau investigated her various […]
Did you save money? Let MassDriver know!
Recently, MassDriver covered reports that Western Massachusetts residents saved money on auto insurance. We want to know if you did too! Either comment on this blog post or complete the […]
New insurance rules putting agents out of work?
“I know this transition is difficult for people, and I don’t mean to pooh-pooh that,” said Burnes in an interview after the meeting. “But we are just not seeing the kind of discrimination” the agents are alleging. “I take that very seriously.”
Newcomers versus legacy carriers in Massachusetts auto insurance marketplace
Competition has certainly changed the playing field in the world of Massachusetts Auto Insurance. Although insurance agents continue to provide value to consumers, the increased competition is not desirable for […]